United Way Campaign

Welcome to the 2023 Campaign!

  • $408,317.93

    Pledged so far in 2023

  • $400,000.00


  • 0

    Days to go

United WayUnited Way of Story County

Each year, Iowa State University plays a major role in the success of this community-wide fundraising effort. Last year, generous donations from Iowa State employees contributed over $400,000 to United Way. United Way of Story County has been serving our community for more than 60 years and supports work in the areas of HEALTH, EDUCATION, and FINANCIAL STABILITY that affects over 30,000 lives in Story County. You know these people—they are your colleagues, neighbors, friends, and sometimes family members.

Donate Through Payroll Deduction
Donate via Secure Card Transaction

Watch a tutorial of donation process in Workday


Iowa Staters have traditionally demonstrated outstanding support for improving the quality of life in our community by donating generously to the annual United Way campaign, to advance the common good.

2023 Campaign Committee

2023 Campaign Chair

Sam Easterling

2023 Leadership Chair

Hilary Seo

2023 Unit Volunteers

Theresa Boettcher, Tom Elston, Nick Fetty, Melody Gustafson, Katharine Hensley, Jeff Iles, Bruce Kraft, Mindy McCoy, Caitlynn Miller, Dynette Mosher, Amanda Runyan, Kelsey Sampson, Jamie Sass, Lisa Sebring, Haylee Sheppard, Geena Staiert, Angie Strotman, Melinda Thach, Jordan Tiarks, Paula Van Brocklin, Ann Wilson

2023 Leadership Committee Members

Sam Easterling, Dan Grooms, David Spalding, Dawn Bratsch Prince, Kristen Constant, Larissa Holtmyer Jones, Laura Jolly, Jamie Pollard, Dan Robison, Valentina Salotti, Beate Schmittmann, Adam Schwartz, Hilary Seo