A campus united
Iowa State University has historic ties with the United Way Story County. The ISU-United Way relationship for the community of Ames goes back several years. Because of the many “town/gown” relationships that Iowa State has with the City of Ames, the University has continued to actively participate in the United Way campaigns. Past and current university presidents have encouraged participation.
Policies on charitable organizations
Board of Regents, Iowa State University and State of Iowa policies permit payroll withholding to qualified charitable organizations that have at least 100 participants. The United Way of Story County has met that standard for a number of years, as have health-related organizations and some other groups. If requested by those that meet this standard, we would permit similar types of fundraising activities to occur at ISU once a year, which is consistent with state policies. To date, other organizations have not identified the volunteers and have limited their activities to campus mail solicitations. Interested organizations may contact the Vice President for Business office to discuss these opportunities. The Payroll Office can provide copies of the withholding policies and the Regent policies to anyone interested.
ISU students and United Way
Additional support of the United Way comes from the students, who are active participants in ASSET, which allocates City of Ames, United Way and ISU student funds to various qualifying organizations.
ISU participation in United Way’s Day of Caring
Many United Way of Story County agencies provide important and critical services to ISU students and staff as well as services that improve overall quality of life, which are important to the long term well being of the university. As one way to raise awareness and help out people in Ames, the ISU community has been invited to participate in the annual “Day of Caring” each September. This is where volunteer groups, under the organization of the United Way of Story County are matched up with community service projects at partner agencies and nonprofit organizations around the county. Possible projects include painting interiors and exteriors of buildings, landscaping, serving meals to the elderly, assisting at an adult day center or creating posters for marketing purposes.
ISU does not have written policies specifically regarding “Day of Caring,” but in administrative discussions, the university has indicated that units that want to participate and can work out schedules with volunteers while maintaining basic services could participate in these projects in pay status. This would be similar to what the university allows for Special Olympics volunteers. It would be up to individual administrative units/supervisors to approve these requests. The majority of ISU employees are salaried faculty and P&S staff who are not paid by the hour but are required to meet their overall job responsibilities. Assuming those responsibilities can continue to be met, participation in the “Day of Caring” would be permissible.